Next Parish Meeting - Thursday 4th March 2021. Agenda.
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Agenda for the VIRTUAL Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.30pm. To Join the meeting telephone 01482 248888 followed by 5900688#
1 Welcome to all
2 Receive Apologies for absence
3 Consider Approval of the reasons for absence
4 Open Forum.
Georgina Jackson Community Safety Officer for Ryedale District will address the meeting and answer your questions.
5 Declaration of Interests
6 Minutes of the Virtual Ordinary Meeting
To consider if the minutes of the virtual ordinary meeting on Thursday 14th January 2021
are accurate and if so to agree and sign them.
7 Receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
7.1 Highways information / Speed Survey update.
7.2 VAS Sharing of sign and overall costs with Ebberston and Yedingham PC
7.3 VAS Training update
8 Planning applications received to discuss.
8.1 None
9 Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council
9.1 None
10 Planning decisions received
10.1 None
11 Finance
11.1 Finance report January - February 2021 including payments and receipts.
11.2 Bank signatories’ update
11.3 Donations
11.4 Contributions towards electricity consumption of defibrillators
11.5 VAT Reimbursements
12 Wilton report
12.1 Wilton footpath
12.2 Junction of Wilton Ings / Cliff Lane - Flooding update
13 Allerston Water
13.1 Water consumption
13.2 Electric consumption
13.3 Water discussion document - Digital Maps
13.4 Insurance Claim - update.
13.5 Community water supply leaflet – Change of Name
14 Allerston Report
14.1 Forest gate/ Blue Man Walk
14.2 Toc Lane parking - P C representation at meeting of YHA and Residents
15 Chair/ Councillors reports
15.1 Communications
16 Clerks Information
16.1 Equipment for the Clerk.
16.2 YLCA Training
16.3 Clerks Salary
16.4 Dates and venues for meetings 2021/2022
6th May Wilton
1st July Allerston
2nd September Wilton
4th November Allerston
13th January 2022
3rd March 2022
17 To consider new correspondence/information received
17.1 Parking at the top of Allerston Main Street.
17.2 Yellow Lines at the top of Allerston Main Street
17.3 Discuss No Parking Signs
17.4 The Butts and Grass Cutting.
17.5 Purchase of a litter picker.
Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 6th May 2021
Venue Wilton or remote
Also we would be delighted to extend an invitation to those Allerston residents wished to join the earlier meeting of the annual Allerston meeting at 7.15pm.
AGENDA for the Virtual meeting on Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.15pm
1. Election of Chairman
2. Apologies
3. Open Forum
4. Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 5th March 2020
5. Allerston water
5.1 Annual Water Account.
5.2 To confirm water rate of 2021/2022
Clerk Richard Shepherd Tel 01723 850335 email
Join the meeting:- Telephone 01482 248888 Followed by 5900688#