Agenda for Meeting of Allerston & Wilton PC on Thursday 12th Jan 2023 at 7:30 pm Wilton Village Hall
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Agenda for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 12th January 2023 at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.
1. Welcome to all
2. To receive apologies for absence
3. Open forum
4. Declaration of Interests
5. To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 3rd November 2022
6. To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
6.1 Highway’s information.
6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch
Planning applications received to discuss
7.1 22/01257/FUL (Warren House Farm, Allerston) –
Change of use of agriculturalland to permit the siting of 2no. glamping huts
and 8no. tents
8. Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council
8.1 22/00533/HOUSE (Cravengarth, Allerston) - Formation of additional off road parking by the removal of boundary wall to make a driveway [Re consult]
8.2 22/01198/CAT (Rhodelands, Allerston) – T1 Oak – Lift lower branches to 2.5m, T2-12no. Leylandii – fell to enable hedge planting
Planning decisions
9.1 22/01071/FUL (North View, 11 Main Street,
Allerston) – Change of use of land from
agricultural to additional amenity space, erection of two storey side
extension and single storey rear extension, erection of an oak porch and timber
cladding of the existing extension together with the part demolition and
rebuilding of the domestic outbuilding with installation of PV panels to both
9.2 22/00881/HOUSE (Barn Cottage, Allerston) – Erection of single-storey
extension to rear elevation and erection of a detached double garage.
10.1 Finance
report November/December 2022 including payments and receipts
Wilton report
11.1 Cattle
down the high street
11.2 Hollie’s Farm application
11.3 Unregistered land adjacent to Coulby Lane
12. Allerston Water
12.1 Water consumption
12.2 Electric supply
12.3 Insurance Claim
12.4 Power supply to water
12.5 Village Hall water leak
13. Allerston Report
13.1 Yellow lines/Parking
13.2 Mirror for Toc Lane
13.3 Allotment request update
13.4 Tree planting at Forest gate
13.4.1 Signs for Forest gate
13.5 Water Gap
13.5.1 Solicitor
13.5.2 Hedge
13.5.3 Weed in beck
13.6 The Hideout
13.7 Proposed Jubilee Garden and grant
13.8 Allerston to Wilton footpath
13.9 Salt bin
14. Chair/ Councillors reports
14.1 Community MAPS Meeting
15. Clerks Information
15.1 Councillors Discussion Forums
16. To consider new correspondence/information received
16.1 Community Remedy Options survey
16.2 Precept consultation
16.3 Village Hall Platinum Grant
Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 2nd March at 7:30pm at Allerston Village Hall
Finance Report 1st November – 31st December 2022
Date |
Payee/Receipts |
Description |
Paid By |
Payment |
Credits |
Total |
01/11/2022 |
Opening Balance |
£3,547.06 |
03/11/2022 |
C and L Myers |
Defib Pads |
£47.94 |
£3,499.12 |
04/11/2022 |
Poppy Smalley |
Salary |
£1,194.70 |
£2,304.42 |
07/11/2022 |
JJ Harrison |
Grass Cutting |
£475.20 |
£1,829.22 |
14/11/2022 |
Salary tax |
£278.40 |
£1,550.82 |
16/11/2022 |
PayPal Fasthosts |
Website |
£7.19 |
£1,543.63 |
02/12/2022 |
Elliott Design |
Water Gap/ Speeding Signs |
£80.00 |
£1,463.63 |
14/12/2022 |
PayPal Fasthosts |
Website |
£7.19 |
£1,456.44 |
31/12/2022 |
Closing Balance |
£1,456.44 |
Allerston and Wilton Parish Council
Balances of the Parish Council Accounts @ 31/10/2022:
Parish Council Teachers Savings Account £1021.35
Parish Council Barclays Account £1,456.44
and Wilton Parish Council No 2 Account (Water)
Date |
Payee / Receipts |
Description |
Paid By |
Payment |
Receipts |
Total |
01/11/2022 |
Opening Balance |
£4,481.89 |
03/11/2022 |
Ryedale District Council |
Water Supply Sampling |
£165.18 |
£4,316.71 |
03/11/2022 |
British Gas |
Electric for Pump House |
£210.15 |
£4,106.56 |
07/11/2022 |
Ryedale District Council |
Water Supply Risk Assessment |
£266.25 |
£3,840.31 |
31/12/2022 |
Closing Balance |
£3,840.31 |
Total water charge paid to
31/10/2022 : £11,243.30
Total due on current occupancy £11,243.30
Nationwide Business 1 Year Savings Account: £21,702.89
Nationwide Instant Saver (Water): £10,195.46
Business Reserve Account: £20,008.90
Barclays Water Account £3,840.31
Total water accounts £58,225.35