Allerston & Wilton PC Minutes 13th January 2022


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 13th January 2022 at Wilton Village Hall at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs D Hunter (Chair), M Hargreaves, K Stead, J Dunning, G Blunt, C Read and Mrs L Myers Clerk.

Members of the Public: 2

1.   Welcome to all. The chair welcomed all to the meeting.

2.   Poppy Smalley the new Clerk was welcomed to the meeting.

3.   To receive apologies for absence – Cllrs. R Davies and D Briston. Apologies accepted.

4.   Open forum

Please note the new e mail address for Allerston and Wilton Parish Council is

This has been done due to the old e mail becoming corrupted.

1.   Cllr Stead to put weed retarding material round the spring site.

2.   Cllr Read was asked by a resident of Allerston to raise the following points.

·       The council should identify land to rent or purchase. – The Council is already in negotiation to attempt to acquire land for allotments as requested by several residents.

·       Grant funding or loan should be considered. Grant funding can be considered. A loan for land purchase on an income of £8.000 per year is not viable. Re water account see point 13.4.

·       Ask the Councillors why a dedicated e mail address is required for the water – there is no dedicated e mail address for the water.

·       Grass cutting – due to Covid restrictions the contract with J J Harrison has been extended for another 3 years.

5.   Declaration of Interests - none

6.   Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 4th November

7.   To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

7.1 Highway’s information. Drain blockage at the Willows driveway in Allerston. This was excavated and repaired.

Give way sign at the top of Allerston Main Street has been repaired

Streetlight outside Rhodelands was reported again and after a discussion with Highways has now been repaired.

Drain cover outside Harwood house is raised – this has been reported.

The road is crumbling where the beck emerges next to Turgate Farm – this has been reported.

Give way sign at junction with A170 Allerston- to be reported again to highways.

7.2 VAS information – There is an overspend of £593 – to request 50% from Ebberston. Their meeting is on 13th January.

7.3 NYCC Unitary Authority – no new information.  

8.   Planning applications received to discuss

8.1 21/01601/FUL Relocation and alteration of existing rural building for the storage of hay straw and feed machinery and stabling of ponies to include raising its height, Land at Craven Garth Holding, Back Lane Allerston. Agreed by Parish Council

9.   Planning Applications waiting a decision form Ryedale District Council.

9.1 21/01252/FUL Change of use of Agricultural building to joiners’ workshop - land at Malton Lane Allerston. YO18 7PG – agreed by Parish Council with conditions.

9.2 NYM/2021/0822/FL proposed art installation with associated accessible path and ground mounted solar array near Cross Cliff Car Park. To follow up and get more information. Agreed by Parish council with some reservations.



10. Planning decisions received

10.1       21/01437/HOUSE Installation of air source heat pump at rear of main dwelling. Farm View Main Street Allerston YO18 7PG approved by RDC

11.  Finance Report

11.1       Finance Report November/December 2021 -resolved. All finances are checked by Cllr. Blunt.

11.2       VAT has been claimed.

11.3       Clerk salary agreed.  

12. Wilton report

12.1       Wilton footpath – no decision from Highways

12.2       Coulby Lane Flooding – waiting for a decision from highways for further work to be done. Still ongoing.

12.3       The bridleway between Wilton and Ellerburn – this has become blocked – to follow up.  

13. Allerston Water

13.1       Water Consumption – lower than Summer.

13.2       Electric supply – agreed to take a contract via clear utility solutions.

13.3       Insurance Claim update – no new information.

13.4       Water information sheet. The councillors agreed the following finance information to be added: - Allerston community water supply has 4 bank accounts 2 Barclays and 2 Nationwide. The money in these accounts is solely of the use of Allerston water supply. The reserves are for the maintenance of the spring site, holding tank, treatment plant and the pipework down the Main Street, Church Lane, and Toc Lane to each property boundary. A major repair to the Spring site and holding tank could cost between £40 – 50,000. Repairs to the water main can cost between £3 -£5,000. The Parish Council in their risk assessment is required to keep adequate reserves to cover any unexpected situation and to maintain an emergency water supply in the event of prolonged main water supply failure.

13.5       UV Filter – this has been replaced.

13.6       Water tests results – the water has been tested and fell within normal limits.

13.7       The stop tap covers at Westbrook and the chapel are broken – to be repaired.  

14   Allerston Report

14.1 Weed in Beck between Troutsbeck House and the pumping station – ongoing.

14.2 Parking alongside the Court on Main Street and lower Main Street - ongoing

14.3 Allotment requests – the Council is in negotiation to acquire some land

14.4 Dog bin in back Lane - RDC has agreed to empty a dog bin in the Back Lane before footpath to Ebberston – to liaise with community officer.

14.5 Trees at the butts Cllr. Stead to follow up

14.6 Toc lane – Cars are now travelling too fast on Toc Lane- to put in newsletter

14.7 Drive to Manor House and Manor Close – Not Highways responsibility. The Parish council has never maintained this, and it was the original entrance to Manor farm and was maintained by the previous owners. The tree next to the Church wall to be examined by Cllr. Stead.

14.8 Trees are Blocking the old blue man path. Many trees have been damaged in the Forestry and are being slowly cleared by them in order of priority.

14.9 Tree planting at forest Gate – being followed up by Cllr. Davies.

14.10   Mole Hills on the village green areas –Cllr Hunter to get advice.

14.11   In 14.1

14.12   Back Lane drainage – no worse than in other Winters.

14.13   Footpath to the Hideout – planning is into its suitability.

15   Chair /Councillors reports


16   16. Clerks Report

16.1 Clerk appointment Poppy Smalley was concluded. She will work 15 hours per month with Lesley Myers continuing as Responsible Financial Officer including responsibility for the water working 5 hours per month. (The 20 hours per month is the total normal hours worked by the Clerk) This will be reviewed in 6 months.

16.2 Dates of meetings confirmed (recorded at the end of the minutes)

17   . To consider new correspondence/information received.

17.1  2 Free trees for planting obtained by Cllr. Davies.

17.2 Queens Platinum Jubilee – to ask residents via the newsletters.

17.3 YLCA remote conference is on 25th March

17.4 YLCA training circulated.

17.5 YLCA direct contact with Councillor- Councillors prefer to be circulated by the Clerk.

17.6 YLCA circulated a petition to allow Councillors to meet remotely Councillors prefer to meet face to face if possible.

Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 3rd March 2022 at Allerston Village Hall 7.30 pm


Dates of meetings 2022/2023

Thursday 12th May Wilton                 Thursday 7th July Allerston

Thursday 1st September Wilton         Thursday 3rd November Allerston

Thursday 12th January 2023 Wilton   Thursday 2nd March 2023 Allerston


The meeting closed at 8.50pm.


  Finance Report 1st November – 31st December2021

Allerston and Wilton Parish Council


Payee/ receipts




Paid By









Opening Balance
























J J Harrison

Grass cutting
























JRA Services

E Mail set up.











Water Acc.

VAT transfer










Closing Balance








Balances of the Parish Council Accounts @ 31/03/2021

Parish Council Teachers Savings Account   £1,018.80

Parish Council Barclays Account £2,653.62

Total £3,672.42





Allerston and Wilton Parish Council No 2 Account (Water)


Payee / Receipts


Paid By






Opening Balance









Water receipts


Direct Credit








British Gas Lite



Direct Debit










Ryedale District Council



Water test
















VAT refund

Direct Credit









British Gas Lite



Direct Debit










VAT transfer










Closing balance








Total water charge paid to 31st December 2021 £11,292.50

Total due on current occupancy £11,292.50

Nationwide Business 1 Year Savings Account £21,611.20

Nationwide Instant Saver (Water) £10,190.36

Business Reserve Account 20,000.72 (37p interest)

Barclays Water Account £4,948.72

Total water accounts £56,751.00