Allerston & Wilton PC Minutes 3rd March 2022


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 3rd March 2022 at Allerston Village Hall at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs D Hunter (Chair), M Hargreaves, D Briston, K Stead, J .Dunning, G Blunt, C Read, Mrs L Myers (Responsible Financial Officer) and Miss P Smalley (Clerk)

Members of the Public: 2 present plus Cllr. William Oxley and Cllr. Janet Sanderson

1.   Welcome to all. The chair welcomed all councillors and residents to the meeting

2.   To receive apologies for absence – No apologies, however Cllr. Davies absent

3.   Open forum A resident wanted to comment on parking on the blind bend and the bank at the top of Allerston. Both on the agenda so were brought up later in the Allerston Report.

4.   Declaration of Interests None declared

5.   Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 13th January 2022 Agreed and signed

6.   To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

6.1 Highway’s information. Posts opposite the Village Hall in Allerston were there due to a resident asking Highways to install them to protect the grass. The bent Give Way sign at the top of Allerston has been reported and has been passed over to streetlighting as it is an illuminated sign.

6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch. Cllr Blunt fed back the following:

-The VAS sign has software that record car speed which we were previousl

unaware of. Wilton saw a top speed of 85mph. The majority of the high speed

occur at 2/3am. The VAS sign will go back up in Wilton in 2/3 weeks time.

-Yedingham want to borrow the speed camera gun which the Cllrs. agreed to.

-Cllr. Sanderson attended a previous meeting in which Wintringham stated they were to borrow Yedingham’s speed gun, which belongs to Allerston. This needs clarification as all Cllrs. agreed it wouldn’t be worth the time and miles to share between 3 villages.

6.3 Unitary Authority, NYCC. Cllr. Sanderson informed the councillors that the Unitary Authority is going ahead as planned. Ryedale District Council will cease to exist in April 2023. The May elections will be for a 1 year term, then a normal 4 year term will resume, during which the districts and council will combine.

7.   Planning applications received to discuss.

7.1  22/00152/FUL Change of us of agricultural land to permit siting of 5 touring caravans or motorhomes and 10 tents and the erection of a replacement utility building. Warren House Farm Allerston YO18 7PN. Agreed by Parish Council.

8.   Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council

8.1 21/01252/FUL Change of use of Agricultural building to joiners’ workshop - land at Malton Lane Allerston. YO18 7PG – agreed by Parish Council with conditions.

8.2 NYM/2021/0822/FL proposed art installation with associated accessible path and ground mounted solar array near Cross Cliff Car Park. The councillors asked for more information in November due to lack of clarity. More information was given and there were no objections from the Parish Council.  

8.3 NYM/2022/0009 Application for use of land for the siting of 1 no. camping pod for holiday letting purposes at Keepers House Farm, Allerston High Moor Road, Langdale

No decision made yet by RDC

9.   Planning decisions received

9.1 21/01601/FUL Relocation and alteration of existing rural building for the storage of hay, straw, feed, machinery and stabling for ponies to include raising of its height. Land At Craven Garth Holding Back Lane Allerston. Approved by RDC.

9.2  21/01502/HOUSE Erection of a two storey rear extension, alterations to first floor front windows creating dormers and erection of open porch to front doorway. Approved by RDC. (This was not included in the planning applications waiting a decision due to an error. Apologies.)

10. Finance

10.1       Finance report January/February 2022 including payments and receipts. All agreed. All finances are checked by Cllr. Blunt.

10.2       Charity Donations. Cllrs. unanimously agreed to give donations of £35 to the Wilton Church Choir, the Allerston Methodist Church Coffee Morning and the Library at St. John’s Church in Allerston. The usual donation of £50 to the Allerston Youth Club will be delayed until the Youth Club has started up again.

10.3       Electric for defibrillators in Wilton and Allerston. All Cllrs. agreed that £20 will be paid to Allerston Methodist Church and £20 to the Lunns in Wilton to cover the electric for both defibrillators.

11. Wilton report

11.1       Coulby Lane. Was closed at time of meeting due to road works. Will see if this clarifies the issue.

11.2       Blockage of Bridleway, Wilton to Ellerburn. The area has been confirmed as this was in question previously. Cllrs. in attendance agreed that due to the nature of the track and the time of year, the bridleway will inevitably muddy and churned up.

12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water consumption. Discussed in the Annual Meeting. The water consumption for was higher than average, and it was agreed that the Clerk will monitor fortnightly in case of a potential leak.

12.2       Electric supply. Confirmed in the Annual Meeting.

12.3       Insurance Claim. Nothing new to report. Will follow up.

12.4       Water information sheet 2022. Approved.

12.5       Stop tap covers at Westbrook and the Chapel are broken. Cllr. Hunter has agreed to look into this and fix.

12.6       Water at Grey Walls. The councillors were informed that it’s been confirmed that the stop tap and pipe are in perfect working order and that Grey Walls have adequate water supply. The Parish Council’s responsibility ends at the stop tap.

13. Allerston Report

13.1       Weed in beck at bottom of Main Street. This has been dealt with.

13.2       Parking on blind bends including outside the Court. Various options were discussed on how to control this issue, for example white ‘H’ lines and double yellow lines. Alan Eaves from Forest England at the Ward Meeting suggested a time restriction on parking for visitors to stop them parking all day. There was a suggestion made by Cllr. Sanderson to have some informal meetings with the residents to see what everyone’s thoughts were. Cllr. Sanderson and Cllr. Read agree to lead on this.

13.3       Allotment request update. No further emails as of yet.

13.4       Dog Bin. Has been installed and paid for.

13.5       Trees at the Butts and at bottom of Manor House Drive. Cllr. Stead has cut these down. The councillors thank Cllr. Stead for a very good job done and remark on how much better both areas look now.

13.6       Tree planting at Forest Gate. No further information due to Cllr. Davies’ absence.

13.7       Mole hills Village Green (2 places) The councillors agree that they aren’t getting any worse and they appear to have gone entirely from the majority of places.

13.8       Footpath to the Hideout. Ongoing. No further information as of yet. Cllr. Read and Cllr. Hunter believes that someone is living permanently in one of the lodges and would like the clerk to ask Planning to investigate.

13.9       Parking for forestry access. Covered in 14.2

13.10   Footpath and bank at top of Main Street. This was discussed in full, with Cllr. Hunter advising that the tree tops are being cut off imminently. Cllr. Read has been approached by members of the public who say it’s unsightly and sometimes dangerous. It was decided to wait and see if the trimming of the trees improves the issue any, and if so, the bank itself will be the priority in the next meeting.

13.11   Waste Bin at The Butts. The councillors agreed on the type of bin, location and cost.

14. Chair/ Councillors reports

14.1       Community MAPS Meeting. Cllr. Blunt attends every MAPS meeting. There has been mention of motorbikes being ridden in the forestry and unsocial drinking in other villages. The councillors thank Cllr. Blunt for attending the meetings.

15. Clerks Information

15.1       Clerk Salary. The clerk informed the councillors that there has been a 1.75% wage increase that needs to be backdated from her start date. The councillors all agree to the salary and expenses.

15.2       Elections – Thursday 5th May. The councillors have been given election papers if wanted and have been made aware that the application forms have to be handed in in person from the 28th of March – 5th April.

15.3       Feedback from Thornton Dale Parish Meeting. The Clerk informed the councillors that the key points that came from the Ward Meeting were the time limit suggestion for parking which has been covered in 14.2, and the PCSO’s advice to report any dangerous or illegal parking on the Police website rather than calling 111 as it’s a quicker process and gets checked more often. Clerk to put in newsletter.

16. To consider new correspondence/information received

16.1       Queens Platinum Jubilee. Beacons/events. The clerk discussed price lists for bunting etc. for the celebrations. Wilton Village Hall is having a meeting on the 24th of March which could bring to light more suggestions. Clerk to put in newsletter and ask residents to respond with specific ideas.

16.2       Great British Spring Clean. The Clerk has signed up to this to see if there was any interest in litter picking. Will follow up and Ryedale District Council for litter picking sticks.

16.3       Training. The councillors have been shown a training schedule. Cllr. Read requested a copy be sent to her email.

16.4       NYMNP Parish Member Appointments to the National Park Authority. Due to Allerston land being in the National Park, a councillor can be nominated onto the National Park Authority. To contact Clerk if interested.  

16.5       20’s Plenty. Cllr. Sanderson advises the councillors of the issues that the scheme may come across if the whole of North Yorkshire is blanketed in 20mph. There is a more bespoke policy to look into that will target the village main streets in particular instead of the whole surrounding areas.

16.6       Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan. The Clerk clarified the meaning of this to the councillors and what it entails: The strategic issues surrounding Mineral Extraction and Waste Management can be addressed on a greater, rather than local, level. This is expected to be more efficient then producing three separate plans.

16.7       NYMNP Southern Area Forum on 15/04/22. The Clerk informs the councillors that the meeting is at the Rosedale Reading Rooms, and to email across any items they want discussing for the agenda.

16.8       Castle Howard volunteering. Includes free passes and fuel expenses for anyone who wants to volunteer. The leaflets with more information are on both notice boards.  

16.9       Meeting with North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. The meeting is on the 26th of May from 6:30pm – 7:45pm remotely. 2 representatives per council can attend, and any questions to Zoe Metcalfe need to be submitted by the 3rd of May.

 Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 12th May 2022 at Wilton   Village Hall

Dates of future meetings 2022/2023:

Thursday 7th July Allerston

Thursday 1st September Wilton

Thursday 3rd November Allerston

Thursday 12th January 2023 Wilton

Thursday 2nd March 2023 Allerston


Meeting closed at 9:15pm


Payee/ receipts




Paid By









Opening Balance























Clerk Tax






Wilton Village Hall

Village Hall Hire









PL Smalley


















Ryedale District Council


Dog Bin





















Closing Balance






Finance Report 1st January – 28th February 2022
Allerston and Wilton Parish Council


Balances of the Parish Council Accounts @ 28/02/2022:

Parish Council Teachers Savings Account   £1021.35

Parish Council Barclays Account £1898.82

Total £2,920.17


Allerston and Wilton Parish Council No 2 Account (Water)


Payee / Receipts


Paid By






Opening Balance








British Gas








Stockdale Construction

Stop tap renewal









L D Myers

Clerk Salary






JRA Services

Hard Drive






M.E.I Pump Services

UV tube for Pump House









British Gas







Closing balance







Total water charge paid to 31st December 2021 £11,292.50
Total due on current occupancy £11,292.50

Nationwide Business 1 Year Savings Account £21,611.20

Nationwide Instant Saver (Water) £10,190.36

Business Reserve Account £20,000.72

Barclays Water Account £801.11

Total water accounts £52,603.39