Draft Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton PC 3rd November 2022


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 3rd November 2022 at Allerston Village Hall at 7:30pm

PRESENT: Cllrs D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, G. Blunt, A. Hall, D. Briston Mrs L. Myers (Responsible Financial Officer) and Mrs P. Cox (Clerk)
Members of the Public: 3 and Cllr. Oxley


1.     Welcome to all Cllr. Hunter welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.     To receive apologies for absence Cllr. Sanderson, Cllr. Read, Cllr. Davies and Cllr. Muir.

3.     Open forum None

4.     Declaration of Interests None

5.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 1st September Agreed and signed by the Chair.

6.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

6.1 Highway’s information. The gullies in Allerston have been cleared. Clerk to report the weeds in the beck outside of Lunn’s farm in Allerston.

6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch  The P.C. received a grant for a new speed camera which is being used every week at the Speedwatch in Allerston. The VAS sign is currently in Allerston - highest speed recorded was 87mph.

7.     Planning applications received to discuss
7.1 22/01198/CAT (Rhodelands, Allerston) – T1 Oak – Lift lower branches to 2.5m, T2-12no. Leylandii – fell to enable hedge planting. Agreed unanimously.

8.     Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council

8.1 22/00533/HOUSE (Cravengarth, Allerston) - Formation of additional off road parking by the removal of boundary wall to make a driveway.

8.2 .22/00881/HOUSE (Barn Cottage, Allerston) - Erection of single-storey extension to rear elevation and erection of a detached double garage.

8.3 7.1 22/01071/FUL (North View, 11 Main Street, Allerston) – Change of use of land from agricultural to additional amenity space, erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension, erection of an oak porch and timber cladding of the existing extension together with the part demolition and rebuilding of the domestic outbuilding with installation of PVC panels to both roof slopes.

9.     Planning decisions received

9.1 22/00987/HOUSE (Willow Farm Bungalow, Wilton) – Erection of a single storey garden room to south elevation

10.  Finance
10.1     Finance report September/October 2022 including payments and receipts. All agreed.
10.2     Budget 2023/24. Unanimously agreed £9,000 for the precept. Water charge to remain the same as the 2021/2022 period.

11. Wilton report
11.1     Rat problem. The farmers are taking as many preventative measures as they can.
11.2     Grass triangle. No need to minimise as tractors and trucks can easily get round.
11.3     Ownership of land opposite South View Farm. Highways will not be able to fund the widening of the road. Agreed to leave it as it is.

12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water consumption. Water consumption has gone down due to people not watering grass.

12.2       Electric supply. Has gone down due to water consumption going down.

12.3       Water inspection results. Results comply with standards. Nitrates below the limit for babies under 6 months old.

12.4       Insurance Claim. No new information.

12.5       Power supply to water. The council needs a contingency plan if blackouts occur. The village either has no water, untreated water or a generator can be used. Clerk to contact John Stockdale to price up hiring a generator in the event of a blackout.

12.6       Water tanks. Weeds are coming through round water tanks and spring site. Clerk to price up stone and membrane. Cllr. Hunter and Cllr. Stead have volunteered to carry out works.  

12.7       Risk Assessment. Medium/low risk now – down from very high.

12.8       Village Hall water leak. Clerk to contact Highways and copy Cllr Sanderson in. Will become a slip hazard in the colder months.

13. Allerston Report

13.1       Yellow lines/Parking. This has been finalised.

13.2       Mirrors for Toc Lane. Mirror has been bought. Cllr. Blunt and RFO will try to attach it to a pole already in situ. Cllr. Hunter will supply post if this isn’t possible.  

13.3       Allotment request update. None.

13.4       Tree planting at Forest gate.

13.4.1   Signs for Forest gate. Move the signs already there forward so people don’t park on the newly cleared land.

13.5       Water Gap

13.5.1   Solicitor. Cllr. Hall to contact his solicitor and start process to register as common land.

13.5.2   Hedge. Cllr. Hunter to cut the hedge.

13.5.3   Weed in beck. Cllr. Briston to investigate.

13.5.4   Grass cuttings. JJ Harrison is to cut the grass regularly at the Water Gap. Have not charged for this year and will charge a minimal amount going forward.

13.5.5   Bench. 2 picnic benches and 1 regular bench requested to buy with grant and other donated money.

13.5.6   Clearing out of ditch. Cllr. Stead to have a look to clear the ditch. If not, clerk to ask JJ Harrison.

13.6       The Hideout. Clerk to follow up with RDC on both the permanent residency and the footpath.

13.7       Proposed Jubilee Garden and grant. Clerk to fill in form.

13.8       Allerston to Wilton footpath. Clerk to contact local MP on behalf of PC to see if he can assist.

13.9       Unauthorised residence reported. This is being investigated by RDC.

13.10     Salt bin. Clerk to contact Highways in relation to this.

14. Chair/ Councillors reports

14.1       Community MAPS Meeting. Anti-social behaviour and graffiti in Pickering.

15. Clerks Information

15.1       Councillors Discussion Forums. These can be sent out to councillors if wanted.

15.2       Clerk pay.

15.3       RFO role. RFO to retire but stay on minimally in a consultancy role.

16. To consider new correspondence/information received

16.1       Rural Community Grants. The Clerk to apply for a rural community grant for the Jubilee Garden.

16.2       Proposed devolution. Clerk to put details in newsletter.

16.3       Meeting with Zoe Metcalfe and Asst Chief Constable Walker. The Clerk has details if needed.

16.4       Civility and respect model councillor officer protocol. It is agreed that the P.C. will adopt the protocol.


Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 12th January 2023 at 7:30pm at Wilton Village Hall



Dates of future meetings 2022/2023:

Thursday 2nd March 2023 Allerston