Meeting of Allerston and Wilton Parish council - Thurs 2nd Nov


The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Thursday 2nd November 2017 in Allerston Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

Draft agenda:


Agenda for the meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council at Allerston Village Hall on Thursday 2nd November 2017 at 7.30pm.


  1. Welcome to all
  2. To receive apologies for absence
  3. Open forum
  4. Declaration of Interests
  5. Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 7th September 2017
  6. To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
    • Website -
    • Highways information
    • Defibrillator
    • Allerston Notice Board
    • Grass cutting
    • Land to North of Cayley Arms
    • Dog waste bins
    • Street Lighting
  7. Planning applications
    • Mrs C Read, Ross Heath, Allerston. Felling of Ash tree next to garage.
    • Mrs C Read, Ross Heath, Allerston. Felling of Ash Tree in middle of rear garden.
    • Mr Michael Parkin, Sands Farm, Wilton. Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of the letting of 7 holiday units on a year round (365 days) basis for a period greater than 10 years before the date of this application in breach of approval given 18.12.1989.
    • Mr & Mrs Grant, Pheasant Hill House, Hagg Side Lane. Erection of single storey to north elevation.
  8. Planning Appeal received
    • Mr R Walker. South Moor Farm Langdale End. Change of use to Grass Runway and construction of pilot/restroom.
  9. Planning decisions received
  10. Financial Matters
    • Finance report October 2017 including payments and receipts
    • Budget 2017/2018
    • Parish Council Contingency account.
  11. Wilton report
    • Bus Shelter
    • Coulby Lane streetlight.
    • Superfast Broadband
  12. Allerston Water
    • Water rates receipts
    • Water tank damage and fence.
    • Water supply Mr Mortimer Briar Cottage.
    • Renewal of supply pipes?
  13. Allerston Report
    • Allerston to Wilton footpath.
    • Registration of unregistered land.
    • Community speed watch.
    • Dog fouling in Back Lane
  14. Clerks Information
    • Data Protection
    • Feedback YLCA and Thornton Dale Parishes meeting.
    • Meeting dates 2018/2019
    • Community Emergency Plan
  1. To consider new correspondence/information received.
    • Training re Common Land/village greens. – full
    • Minutes from CAP meeting.
    • Cherry tree on the Village Green next to Waterways.

Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday11th January 2018 at Wilton Village Hall

All welcome 

Lesley Myers Clerk