Minutes for Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on 12th May 2022


Website - allerstonandwiltonparishcouncil.com E mail – clerk@allerstonandwiltonpc.co.uk


Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 12th May 2022 at Wilton Village Hall at 7:30pm

PRESENT: Cllrs D. Hunter (Chair), D. Briston, K. Stead, G. Blunt, C. Read, R. Davies, S. Muir, A. Hall, Mrs L. Myers (Responsible Financial Officer) and Miss P. Smalley (Clerk)
Members of the Public: 4 present

1.     Welcome to all. The current chair welcomed all councillors and residents to the meeting

2.     Election of Chair. Cllr. Stead proposed Cllr. Hunter and Cllr. Briston seconded. Agreed by a vote of 5 for the proposal, 1 against, 1 abstention.

3.     Welcome to new councillors Cllr. Hall and Cllr. Muir were welcomed onto the Parish Council

4.     To receive apologies for absence No apologies – everyone present

5.     Open forum
A Wilton resident asked for the grass cutters to take away their cuttings as it made the village look messy and blocked up the drainage. Cllr. Read had also been asked by an Allerston resident to ask why the daffodil tops had been mowed off. A lengthy discussion took place and it was agreed that the Clerk should investigate this and contact the landscapers. b) A resident asked about the 40mph speed limit on the A170 and if it could be lowered to 30mph. It was explained that due to the lack of residents on the main road, the council won’t put in sufficient street lighting which would be needed for a 30mph zone. c) The water works last month left mess and soil on the road, grass verge and footpath from Wilton to Thornton Dale which was dangerous for pedestrians walking. It was highlighted that this was not in our Parish Council but the Clerk will report to Highways.
d) Two residents from Allerston asked if they could speak at 16.1. This was agreed.

6.     Declaration of Interests None

7.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 3rd March 2022 and Water supply meeting on the 7th of April 2022 Agreed and signed

8.     Attendance at meetings

·       Thornton Dale Parishes meeting The Clerk, RFO, Cllr. Hall and Cllr. Muir to attend.

·       Community and Police meeting Cllr. Blunt to attend when they resume

·       Southern Area Parish forum (National Parks) None

·       Parish Liaison meeting Cllr. Davies to attend

·       Yorkshire Local Councils Association Clerk and RFO to attend

·       MAPS meeting Cllr. Blunt to continue attending

9.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

9.1 Highway’s information. Two road closures in Allerston: Warren House Road will be closed for 2 days between 16th of May and 20th of May and Church Lane will be closed for 4 days from the 25th of May.

9.2 VAS information and Speedwatch. The VAS sign is currently in Wilton. We are now swapping monthly between Wilton, Allerston and Ebberston. The data has been downloaded but not yet accessed.

9.3 Grass cutting. An Allerston resident has requested the grass be cut at the back of Allerston chapel. The councillors asked the Clerk to get a quote and bring back to next meeting

10. Planning applications received to discuss.
9.1 None

11. Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council

10.1 None

12. Planning decisions received

12.1       NYM/2022/0009 Application for use of land for the siting of 1 no. camping pod for holiday letting purposes at Keepers House Farm, Allerston High Moor Road, Langdale Approved with conditions

12.2       NYM/2021/0822/FL proposed art installation with associated accessible path and ground mounted solar array near Cross Cliff Car Park Approved with conditions

12.3       21/01252/FUL Change of use and external alterations to agricultural building to form joiner's workshop - Land At Malton Lane Allerston Approved with conditions

12.4       22/00152/FUL Change of us of agricultural land to permit siting of 5 touring caravans or motorhomes and 10 tents and the erection of a replacement utility building. Warren House Farm Allerston YO18 7PN. Approved

13. Finance

13.1       To certify the Parish Council as exempt from external audit for fiscal year 2021/22 on page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 Agreed

13.2       To note the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2021/22 included at page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 Agreed

13.3       To approve Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 for the Parish Council on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 Agreed

13.4       To approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2021/22 for the Parish Council on page 6 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22 Agreed

13.5       To approve the publication of documents required by Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities Agreed

13.6       Finance report March/April 2022 including payments and receipts. All agreed. Cllr. Read wants to reiterate that we do need a reserve in case of a breach at the tanks or spring site. The RFO got a quote for if this were to happen, and the cost was between £40,000 and £50,000.

13.7       Thanks received for donations.

13.8       Insurance renewal. The RFO recommended that we stay with Zurich as we have an outstanding claim. The councillors unanimously agreed to stay with Zurich and chose the 5 year premium. The Clerk is to ask about the status of the claim when we renew.

14. Wilton report

14.1       Coulby Lane. The work on the settlement tank has been completed, however debris is still running down the hill. The Clerk will speak to Cllr. Sanderson to see if anything can be done.

14.2       Double yellow line placement. The Clerk showed the councillors the location of the double yellow lines. A resident requested someone overlook this to ensure the lines are painted on clean tarmac.

14.3       Phone box library. The Clerk requested to turn the phone box into a library. The Clerk will maintain. Unanimously agreed.

15. Allerston Water

15.1       Water consumption. Remaining roughly the same as last time. Water consumption is likely to have gone up due to larger occupant sizes in houses than that previously.

15.2       Electric supply. Roughly the same as the last couple of months.

15.3       Insurance Claim. Already covered in 13.8

15.4       Stop tap covers at Westbrook and the Chapel are broken. Cllr. Hunter has acquired these and now needs to modify to fit.

15.5       Church Lane water supply. Already covered in 7. Work to start on 24/04/2022

15.6       Water results. All results came back fine.

16. Allerston Report

16.1       Parking on blind bends. Two residents of Allerston expressed their concern that The Court residents were getting blamed for the parking on the blind bend due to the wording of the agenda. The parking on the blind bend was discussed in full. Cllr. Read suggested that both inappropriate parking and speed was a major problem. It was suggested that residents should be encouraged to use driveway/offroad parking where possible. A Wilton resident attends a group at the Village Hall and asked if it was acceptable to park on the grass next door. The councillors informed her that it is Parish Council land and patrons of the Village Hall can park there.

16.2       Allotment request update. No updates.

16.3       Tree planting at Forest gate. Cllr. Davies requested that before the planting be carried out, there needs to be a strategy for the whole area. He suggested that the councillors circulated ideas and come back to the point at the next meeting.

16.4       Footpath to the Hideout. Clerk has enquired recently but no new updates.

16.5       Parking for forestry access. Cllr. Read has been championing the parking issue in Allerston and discussed the outcome of the previous resident’s meeting. A second meeting is to be confirmed.

16.6       Footpath and bank at top of Main Street. The house behind the leylandii has is on the market so nothing can be done until discussions can be held with the new owner,

16.7       Waste Bin at The Butts. In situ and working well.

17. Chair/ Councillors reports

17.1       Community MAPS Meeting. Cllr. Blunt discussed the issues that the surrounding villages and towns were facing - they are also using speed watch well.

18. Clerks Information

18.1       Poppy’s 6 month review. To tie in with 18.3 – the RFO feels that the Clerks’ hours and wage should be increased. The councillors unanimously agreed.

18.2       Great British Spring Clean. The Clerk wanted to thank the volunteers of both Allerston and Wilton. 10 full bags of rubbish were picked up in the villages. Cllr. Davies is to ask Mike Keen to put in the newsletter for dog owners to clean up after their pets.

18.3       Clerk pay and hours. Already covered in 18.1

18.4       Toner. The RFO and Clerk need new toner. This was agreed.

19. To consider new correspondence/information received

19.1       Training. Training schedule announced. This is paid for by the council and booked by the Clerk. The Clerk is to circulate when they are emailed out.

19.2       The Good Councillor’s Guide. The Clerk informed the new councillors of the guide available to buy should they wish.

19.3       NYP Independent Advisory Group. The RFO relayed the information and will put on noticeboard.

19.4       Ryedale District Council's Community Grant Scheme. The Clerk relayed the information. Cllr. Briston requested details.

19.5       North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner meeting. The details of this were read out to the councillors.

19.6       GoCompare: Limiting flood risk and damage. The councillors all agreed to put the link on the Allerston and Wilton website about protecting property.

Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th July at Allerston Village Hall

Dates of future meetings 2022/2023:

Thursday 1st September Wilton

Thursday 3rd November Allerston

Thursday 12th January 2023 Wilton

Thursday 2nd March 2023 Allerston

Meeting closed at 9:42pm



























Finance Report 1st March – 30th April 2022

Allerston and Wilton Parish Council


Payee/ receipts




Paid By









Opening Balance









Allerston Village Hall

Room Hire






Allerston Methodist

Coffee Morning






Allerston Methodist

Electric for Defibrillator






R&K Lunn

Electric for Defibrillator






St. John’s Church







PayPal Fasthosts


Direct Debit





St. George’s Church







Poppy Smalley

Clerk Salary













Ebberston P.C.

VAS signs






PayPal Fasthosts


Direct Debit





Ryedale District Council

Parish Precept






Ryedale District Council

Waste Bin at the Butts







Closing Balance








Balances of the Parish Council Accounts @ 30/04/2022:

Parish Council Teachers Savings Account   £1021.35

Parish Council Barclays Account £4,775.56

Total £5,796.91








Allerston and Wilton Parish Council No 2 Account (Water)


Payee / Receipts


Paid By






Opening Balance








British Gas


Direct Debit





British Gas


Direct Debit








Section 50 for Greywalls






Water receipts

April 2021







Closing balance







Total water charge paid to 30/04/2022 : £5,025.00

Total due on current occupancy £11,360.00

Nationwide Business 1 Year Savings Account: £21,702.89 (includes £91.69 interest)

Nationwide Instant Saver (Water): £10,195.46 (includes £5.10 interest)

Business Reserve Account: £20,001.22 (includes £0.50 interest)

Barclays Water Account £5,116.93

Total water accounts £57,016.5