Minutes for the extra-ordinary meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Tuesday 14th May 2024



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Minutes for the extra-ordinary meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Tuesday 14th May at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.

PRESENT: Cllrs. D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, A. Hall, G. Blunt, D. Briston, C. Read, R. Davies and Mrs P. Cox (Clerk and RFO)
Members of the public: 2


1.     Welcome to all Cllr. Hunter welcomed all to the meeting

2.     To receive apologies for absence. Cllr. Muir.

3.     Election of Chair Both Cllr. Read and Cllr. Hunter stated they were happy to stand. Cllr. Hunter was proposed by Cllr. Stead and Cllr. Hall seconded. Cllr. Read was proposed by Cllr. Blunt and seconded by Cllr. Davies. It was agreed that Cllr. Hunter would remain as Chair, and Cllr. Read would stand as Vice-Chair.


Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 6th July 2023 at 7:30pm at Allerston Village Hall


Dates of future meetings 2023/2024:

Thursday 7th September 2023 – Wilton Village Hall

Thursday 2nd November 2023 – Allerston Village Hall

Thursday 11th January 2024 – Wilton Village Hall

Thursday 7th March 2024 – Allerston Village Hall



Meeting closed at 7:50pm