Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 2nd May at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 2nd May at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.

PRESENT: Cllrs. D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, A. Hall, G. Blunt, D. Briston, S. Muir. Mrs P. Cox (Clerk and RFO)
Members of the public: 6, Cllr. Sanderson and Mr. Paul Norrington – R.E.G. representative


1.     Welcome to all Cllr. Hunter welcomed all to the meeting.

2.     To receive apologies for absence Cllr. Read and Cllr. Davies.

3.     Open forum A resident has asked if the Council can cut the tree opposite the entrance of Toc Lane. Cllr. Briston asked if the Council could also trim the trees near the school bus stop. Cllr. Stead to cut them back at a suitable time.
The beck has been narrowed by boulders at the bottom of Allerston so water is now coming onto the road when there is a downpour. The boulders need removing and under the bridge needs clearing to let the water flow more freely down the beck. Cllr. Blunt will speak to the residents who placed the boulders.
The side of a house down Church Lane has nearly been hit by a vehicle several times. The Clerk is to ask Highways if they can install a metal or concrete post to stop this from happening.

4.     Declaration of Interests None

5.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 7th March 2024

6.     Ryedale Environmental Group presentation

Mr. Paul Norrington from Ryedale Environmental Group spoke to the councillors and public about the Restoring Ryedale Project. Pickering and Kirkbymoorside are starting this initiative, which include only cutting grass verges twice a year to allow wildflower areas and collecting grass clippings to encourage wildflower growth. These areas are made obvious by erecting blue hearts. The Clerk is to contact the contractors to make them aware of the initiative. The Clerk and councillors will also be discussing if there are any verges that could be left around each village in line with the campaign.

7.     Attendance at Meetings

·       Thornton Dale Parishes meeting – The Clerk to attend.

·       Yorkshire Local Councils Association – The Clerk to attend.

·       MAPS Meeting – Cllr. Blunt to attend.

·       Forest and Dale Meeting – The Clerk to attend.

8.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

8.1   Highways information. Toc Lane and Church Lane in Allerston have now been resurfaced. LED light switch over is still happening in both villages but the department are particularly inundated which is the reason for the delay. The Clerk to ask Highways if they could reinforce the bank at the top of Allerston as the grass verge is becoming very narrow.

8.2   VAS information and Speedwatch. VAS sign is currently in Wilton. Speedwatch is now up and running.

9.     Planning applications received.

9.1   None

10. Planning applications waiting a decision from North Yorkshire Council

10.1         NY/2023/0232/FUL: Givendale Head Farm, Malton Coe Road, Ebberston. Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the Retrospective change of use from agriculture to use class B2 to allow use for agricultural plastics recycling. Clerk to take this off the agenda until a decision has been made due to the lengthy process involved.

11. Planning decisions received

11.1         None


12.  Finance

12.1         To note the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2023/24 included at page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24. Agreed.

12.2         To approve Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 for the Parish Council on page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24. Agreed.

12.3         To approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2023/24 for the Parish Council on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24. Agreed

12.4         To approve the publication of documents required by Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities. Agreed.

12.5         Finance report March/April 2024 including payments and receipts. All approved.

12.6         Unity Trust Bank. To be discussed further in September once the water bills have all been paid.

12.7         Financial Ombudsman. The Clerk has contacted the Financial Ombudsman who has stated they cannot help due to the Parish Council being a Local Authority. Because of this, the Clerk accepted the £200 compensation that Barclays originally offered.

13. Wilton report

13.1         Coulby Lane. Residents adjacent to Coulby Lane are happy with its current condition and have no complaints.

13.2         Wilton Ings Lane Closure. People are still ignoring the closure signs and are using the road as normal. Clerk to report this to Highways.

14. Allerston Water

14.1         Water consumption. Water is still at an adequate consumption level.

14.2         Electric supply. In line with the water consumption.

14.3         Potential FAQs. The councillors agreed these weren’t needed, but perhaps a leaflet to new residents to explain the water charges would be useful.

14.4         Water Sampling Report. Nitrates are still at a high level. This will be monitored by the Environmental Agency.

15. Allerston Report

15.1         Allotment request update. Cllr. Sanderson will take the matter up again with North Yorkshire Council.

15.2         Allerston to Wilton footpath. NYC have received a large amount of evidence of users for the footpath and DMMO forms.  

15.3         The Butts. Cllr. Blunt, members of the AWE and Mr. Iain Summerson met at The Butts to discuss leaving part of the verge for wildflower growth. There will be a 3 metre gap left to be mowed at the roadside for visibility. The Clerk to let the contractors know to leave this area once it’s been pegged out.

16. Chair/Councillors reports

16.1         Community MAPS Meeting. Tractors with GPS being stolen locally is on the rise. New CCTV cameras near the toilets in Pickering. Power tools have been used to graffiti Pickering Castle. Knife amnesty box in Pickering has been discussed. There is a new app available as a way to report crime -police.uk.

17. Clerks Information

17.1         Forest and Dale Meeting. The Clerk and Cllr. Sanderson discussed the flood prevention sub-group that has been set up, along with a mentor initiative that may be useful between Clerks and Councillors in villages along the A170.

18. To consider new correspondence/information received

18.1         Call for Sites Consultation. Clerk read out the details of the consultation.


Meeting closed at 9:25pm