Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 7th September
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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 7th September at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.
D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, A. Hall, D. Briston and G. Blunt. Mrs. P. Cox
(Clerk and RFO) and Mrs. L. Myers.
Members of the public: 3
1. Welcome to all. Cllr. Hunter welcomed all to the meeting.
2. To receive apologies for absence Cllr. Muir, Cllr. Davies and Cllr. Read.
Open forum
resident at Cliff Edge Farm is aware they have branches overhanging the
pavement and are hiring someone to maintain it. Clerk to put in the newsletter
to ask residents to keep their overhanging branches cut back.
4. Declaration of Interests None.
5. To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 6th July 2023. Approved and signed by the Chair.
6. To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:
6.1 Highways information. The Clerk has asked Highways about more details of the road closure on Penniston Lane but has yet to receive a reply.
6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch. VAS sign at Ebberston at the moment. Given the Police the data for the last 9 months. Wilton next. Highest ever percentage recorded of speeding. Will start again in a couple of weeks.
7. Planning applications received.
7.1 None
8. Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council
8.1 ZE23/00520/MFUL: Rains Farm, Allerston Lane, Allerston. Erection of 1no. two storey building to be used as a wellness retreat centre, following the removal of existing agricultural building, erection of 1no. parking barn to accommodate 7no. vehicles, erection of 1no. agricultural building for the storage of feed and machinery, erection of 1no. play barn, partial change of use of the existing dwelling to be used for the charity together with erection of a single rear extension and landscaping across the site.
9. Planning decisions received
9.1 ZE23/00648/FUL: Carr House Farm, Allerston Lane, Allerston. Formation of an additional crushed stone farm access track. Approved by North Yorkshire Council.
9.2 ZE23/OO826/FUL: Manor House, Main Street, Allerston. Change of use of stables building to form 1no. bedroom self-contained residential annex, erection of timber and glass greenhouse, removal of tarmac drive and replacement with local stone, adjustment to existing entrance gate and stone piers. Approved by North Yorkshire Council.
9.3 ZE23/OO936/LBC: Manor House, Main Street, Allerston. Internal and external alterations to allow conversion of stables to form 1no. bedroom self-contained residential annex to include demolition of sub dividing wall, removal of masonry infill to existing feed holes and creation of first floor door opening onto existing terrace. Approved by North Yorkshire Council.
10. Finance
10.1 Finance report July/August 2023 including payments and receipts. All agreed.
10.2 Draft 2024/2025 budget. The councillors unanimously agreed to add £1000 to precept. To be confirmed at next meeting. Due to the increasing cost of the electric, water extraction license and repairs, it was agreed that the standard Allerston water rate should rise to £120 (£110 if paid before 31st May), the paddock rate should rise to £60 (£55 if paid before 31st May) and a 10% rise on farm water rates. This is also to be confirmed at the next Parish Council meeting.
10.3 Signatures for banking. Cllr. Briston has completed the forms. The Clerk is to send them into Barclays. Cllr. Read to be asked to also be a signatory on the Parish Council account as Mrs. Myers will be coming off.
10.4 Water salary. To be discussed in a closed meeting.
11. Wilton report
11.1 Coulby Lane. Reports of silt down the hill. Clerk to report to North Yorkshire Council.
12. Allerston Water
12.1 Water consumption. Has come down significantly and seems to have levelled out. Going forward, Mrs. Myers would recommend weekly readings.
12.2 Electric supply. In line with water consumption.
12.3 Water pressure. Clerk to take off the agenda as no new issues.
12.4 Elected water nominee. Cllr. Briston agreed to take over this role.
13. Allerston Report
13.1 Yellow lines. Still in the public consultation phase. Nothing new reported.
13.2 Allotment request update. Nothing new reported.
13.3 Water Gap
13.3.1 Grass cutting. The Clerk has contacted the contractors to ask them to stop cutting the Water Gap. It has been asked that, based on legal advice, the Parish Council explicitly state to residents that the Water Gap cannot be legally claimed by any singular person or the Parish Council itself. It remains unregistered land. This information will also be added to the questionnaire regarding the Water Gap which will be distributed to every resident.
13.3.2 Questionnaire. To be redrafted and put to the councillors at a later date.
13.4 Allerston to Wilton footpath. The landowners/tenants of the land that the footpath runs through have now all been officially informed of the application.
13.5 Manor Close driveway. A resident has asked the Parish Council to pay a percentage of the resurfacing costs of the drive going up to Manor House gates. Clerk to correspond with North Yorkshire Council to reconfirm that the driveway does not belong to the Council. The councillors unanimously agree that the driveway is the sole responsibility of the residents, and they will not contribute towards its upkeep.
13.6 Tree planting near Manor Close. A resident has asked to plant trees on the grass triangle near Manor Close. The councillors pointed out that a water main runs right past the triangle which could become dangerous, and also in time may take the light out of some houses on Manor Close.
13.7 Unofficial bike trail. The Clerk contacted Forestry to inform them of people injuring themselves whilst using unofficial bike trails in the forest. Forestry replied and stated they will put up more signage to dissuade users.
14. Chair/Councillors reports
14.1 Community MAPS Meeting. Vaping has become an issue in the area, especially amongst youths. Quad bikes and farming vehicles are being stolen more frequently.
15. Clerks Information
15.1 None.
16. To consider new correspondence/information received
16.1 Trackrod Rally. The rally will be coming through Allerston on 23rd September. Details are on both noticeboards.
16.2 NYMNP dark skies. North York Moors have produced a new webpage to detail benefits of dark skies. Details of this are available via the Clerk.
16.3 Unrestricted housing in National Parks. North York Moors have sent out information regarding a new government consultation on changes to development rights for barns which would allow unrestricted houses in National Parks to be allowed with no planning permission. The Clerk is to respond to the Authority stating the councillors unanimously disagree with this proposal.
Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 2nd November at 7:30pm at Allerston Village Hall
Dates of future meetings 2023/2024:
Thursday 11th January 2024 – Wilton Village Hall
Thursday 7th March 2024 – Allerston Village Hall
Meeting closed at 9:10pm