Minutes for the meeting regarding Brook Garth’s land registry application. Friday 22nd of July 2022 at Allerston Village Hall at 7.30pm


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Minutes for the meeting regarding Brook Garth’s land registry application.

Friday 22nd of July 2022 at Allerston Village Hall at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs. D. Hunter (Chair), G. Blunt, C. Read, Mrs L. Myers (Responsible Financial Officer) and Miss P. Smalley (Clerk)
Members of the Public: 28 present


1.   Welcome to all. The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

2.   To receive apologies for absence. Cllr. Briston, Cllr. Hall, Cllr. Muir, Cllr. Davies and Cllr. Stead.

3.   Agenda item: The actions to be taken by the Parish Council following receipt of the letter from Land Registry regarding Brook Garth’s application.

A vote was taken by the Parish Council to decide to carry on with objections, to negotiate or to withdraw. 4 absent councillors emailed the Clerk prior to the meeting to submit their vote to object without negotiations. The 3 councillors present also voted to carry on with objections without negotiation.

It was noted that the Parish Council will now need to involve a solicitor for legal help. All were in favour of this. The money for this will come from the Parish Council’s reserves. The RFO suggested that 2 councillors would need to involved in meeting with the solicitor. Cllr. Hunter and Cllr. Read agreed to lead, with Cllr. Blunt assisting in the event of either councillor being unavailable. The Clerk is to contact YLCA for advice regarding a solicitor, as well as Cllr. Oxley and Cllr. Sanderson for their input. It was stated that any legal advice that the Parish Council receives can and will be shared publicly.

The Clerk will also contact Land Registry to make them aware that at least 8 applicants have yet received their notice of objection letter. She will also ask Land Registry to look back on their records which outline when the Parish Council tried to claim the land and will include the solicitor’s comments from approximately 5 years ago.

The terminology of the most recent letter from the Land Registry was also questioned. It was emphatically stated by the councillors that the objections made by residents will not result in any legal or monetary detriment at all.


Meeting closed at 8:10pm