Minutes for the Planning Meeting on Thursday 14th September 2021


Website - allerstonandwiltonparishcouncil.com  E mail - allerstonandwiltonpc@gmail.com


Minutes for the Planning Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 14th September 2021 at Allerston Village Hall at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs D Hunter (Chair), J Dunning, G Blunt, C Read, D Briston and Mrs L Myers Clerk


Members of the Public: 7

1.   Welcome to all. The chair welcomed all Councillors to the meeting, Cllr D Briston was introduced to the other Councillors and welcomed to the Council

2.   To receive apologies for absence – Cllrs K stead, M Hargreaves, and R Davies

3.   Planning Agenda item – 21/01252/FUL Change of use of agricultural building to joiners’ workshop. Land at Malton Lane Allerston. YO18 7PG

4.   Open forum and discussion

Applicants – wish to change the use of the building from agricultural building to joiners’ shop and to start up a new business. They have commissioned a full noise assessment and explained how the noise could be mitigated.

Public – noise is already disturbing the neighbours with nail guns all day

Applicant – a small business could be good for the village and provide employment. They have no intention of destroying other businesses, they are trying to improve themselves. There will be improved insulation to deaden the noise. Traffic will only be about 2 lorries per week and the visual change will be negligible.

Public- visitors come for peace not noise. It should currently be a sheep shed giving a farmer a chance in a rural area. They have not seen farming and the sheep seem to arrive at opportune moments.

Cllr Hunter – the machine room seems to be too small for the machinery and materials.

Applicant – the planning advisor, said the machine room is for high end tools i.e., routers.

Public – do not believe they will work with the doors shut in Summer.

Applicant – the restrictions will be made by RDC. They will get planning to noise assess and advise how to reduce the noise. They will stick to the working hours guidance, or they will be closed by the enforcement team.

Public – we don’t want any noise at all.

Cllr Hunter – where were the noise receptors placed

Applicant - none on the neighbour’s properties.

Cllr Read – the properties nearby, the residents are predicted to be inside their properties and not outside.

Applicant – the distance for the noise would travel was measured, not how the noise would affect people inside or outside properties.

Public – in the valley bottom the sound travels more. Nail guns have already been used and are disturbing neighbours.

Cllr Briston agreed nail guns can be very noisy.

Nail guns are apparently not on the list of machinery for the noise assessment.

Applicant – All we can do is get expert advice.

Public – is the applicant going to be on site

Applicant – not initially, it is one shed and planning needs to be granted before they can move forward.

Public – this has been planned for years

Applicant – planned to be a farmer but not viable


5.   Councillors Discussion

Cllr Read – there is a contrast of interests, residences against business

2 young men wanting to start a business, start up is very difficult against the effect on a current business and the area which comes down to mainly noise. The Councillors must evaluate the new business venture against current business and residents.

Not sure there can be a compromise – there is a history which cannot be moved on from.

Councillors’ discussion round insulation in the whole building noise can travel. There has been a joiner in the village for many years with no soundproofing and no complaints.

 Asked applicant what they would be making – they could not divulge at this stage, maybe shepherds’ huts. But in the early stages whatever works and if no planning no workshop.

Applicant has a friend who makes spice racks and needs more space.


6.   Councillors decision and vote

Councillors voted in favour of the application with conditions

1 abstention.


7.   Response to Ryedale

The Council met to discuss this planning on Thursday 14th October. The meeting was attended by 5 members of the public plus the applicant and a family member. The opinions of the residents who were against the application focussed on noise and extra traffic. The applicants focused on a new business to allow the applicants to remain in the village where they had lived all their lives. 2 residents ran a holiday business overlooking the site and were very concerned about the adverse effects to their business, the other residents ran a farm and were concerned about the loss of peace and quiet. The councillors considered that there would not be excessive extra traffic as the Lane was already heavily used by lorries and tractors to the farms.

The Councillors considered all the views and voted to recommend the planning to be approved provided strict conditions were applied.

1.   The whole building is adequately soundproofed including the door to prevent machinery noise disturbing nearby residents and holiday makers. And not just a small area inside the building.

2.   All doors to be kept closed when the machinery is in operation.

3.   No construction work to be done outside the workshop.

4.   The hours of work of the machinery to be restricted to 9am – 5pm. So, holiday makers are not disturbed.

5.   Planting of some screening to help with any noise and make it in keeping with a rural area.


Meeting closed at 8.22pm