Next Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 10th January 2019 - Wilton Village Hall


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Agenda for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council at Allerston Village Hall on Thursday 10th January 2019 at 7.30pm.

1.     Welcome to all

2.     To receive apologies for absence

3.     Open forum.

4.     Declaration of Interests

5.     Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 1st November 2018

6.   To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

6.1   Website -

6.2 Highways information.

6.3 Freedom Camping Turgate Farm.

6.4 Tree liabilities

7.   Planning applications received.

7.1 18/00933/LBC installation of replacement double glazed timber sliding sash windows to front elevation. Sawmill Cottage Allerston.

7.2 18/01114/FUL Land to west of Cayley Arms. 3 Timber clad holiday bungalows - Amended.

7.3 18/01373/73 Installation of 6 solar panals to Southern Slope of one bedroom detached cottage. Farm View Main Street Allerston.

8.   Planning decisions received

8.1 18/00912/House Erection of 2 storey rear extension together with alterations to the fenestration. West View, Main Street. Allerston – approved.

9.    Finance

9.1 Finance report November - December 2018

9.2 Clerks Salary and expenses.

10. Wilton report

10.1       Parking on Main Street.

11. Allerston Water

11.1       Water report further information.

11.2       Connections to Midway Farm Buildings and Toc Lane.

11.3       Water tank fence damage and level of land at Spring site.

11.4       Water test results.

12. Allerston Report

12.1     Allerston to Wilton footpath.

12.2     Community speed watch report.

12.3     Tree to plant on village green

13. Clerks Information

13.1       2019 2020 meeting dates

14. To consider new correspondence/information received.

14.1       Allerston Welcome Pack

14.2       Skill Mill

14.3       Horney Cow Wilton.

14.4       North Yorkshire Police and Fire and Rescue Consultation

14.5       YLCA training



Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th March 2019 at Allerston Village Hall. This will be preceded by the Allerston Parish meeting at 7pm.