Next Parish Meeting - Thursday 12th November 2020. Agenda.

The next meeting of Allerston and Wilton Parish council will be on Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30pm

The draft agenda of the Parish Council meeting is below for your reference; all are welcome! Remember this is your Parish Council and there is a forum at the beginning of the meeting where residents can raise issues or concerns.

Due to Covid restrictions the meeting will be held on line via Skype, with an option for residents to also phone in.

To attend via skype you need to download business skype and then join the meeting, By following the link below:


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01482 248888 then type the ID of 6772694# 

Conference ID: 6772694



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Agenda for the VIRTUAL Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30pm.


1.   Welcome to all

2.   To receive apologies for absence

3.   Open forum.

4.   Declaration of Interests

5.   Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 3rd September 2020. Planning meeting 17th September 2020

6.   To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

6.1 Website - compliance with new regulations?

6.2 Highways information.

6.3 Skill Mill – Wilton Phone Box.

6.4 VAS information.

7.   Planning applications received to discuss.

7.1 none

8.   Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council

8.1 NYM 2020/0791/FL Application for proposed sculpture with associated all ability access path and road crossing with safety signage at land south of Adderstone Field. Dalby Forest – no objections form the Councillors.

8.2 NYM/2020/0586/FL Application for use of land to form a grass runway for useby owner and emergency use together with erection of windsock at South Moor farm Dalby Forest Drive Ebberston. Rejected by Parish Council.

9.   Planning decisions received

9.1 20/00416/73 Variation of condition 02,08 and 10 of approval of 18/01114/FUL dated 20.03.2019 in relation to the size of the holiday cabins, parking provision, decking and site footpaths. Land west of Cayley Arms, Allerston YO18 7PJ. Approved by RDC.

9.2 20/00705/CAT T6 Leyland Cypress – Fell due to proximity of overhead lines and replant with Rowan. St John’s Church Allerston.YO18 7PF approved by RDC

9.3 20/00675/73A Land at Malton Lane Allerston, variation of condition 02 and 04 of planning application 13/00420/FUL dated 06/06/2013 to allow amendment to the design of the building. Approved by RDC

10. Finance

10.1       Finance report September/October 2020 including payments and receipts.

10.2       Water receipts.

10.3       Nationwide Account.

10.4       Budget discussion and decision for sign off 2021 2022

10.5       Complete precept form.

10.6       Audit sign off.

11. Wilton report

11.1       Defibrillator

11.2       Wilton footpath

11.3       Wilton phone box.

12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water consumption

12.2       Electric supply and direct debit set up.

12.3       Water discussion document actions from 02/07/2020

·       To attempt to get digital mapping of the supply

13. Allerston Report

13.1       Forest gate/ Blue Man Walk


14. Chair/ Councillors report


15. Clerks Information

15.1       YLCA meeting – Future of the Parish council.


16. To consider new correspondence/information received

16.1       NYCC Unitary Authority proposal

16.2       Digital PCSO service.

16.3       Trials bikes at Warren House Farm

16.4       E Mail re bike parking issues.


Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 14th January 2021


Dates of future meetings

                  4th March