Next Parish Meeting - Thursday 14th January 2021. Agenda.
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Agenda for the VIRTUAL Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 14th January 2021 at 7.30pm.
1. Welcome to all
2. Welcome to Richard shepherd Clerk
3. To receive apologies for absence
4. Open forum.
Sally Roger Community Officer
5. Declaration of Interests
6. Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 12th November 2020 to be approved.
7. To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary
7.1 Website - compliance with new regulations?
7.2 Highways information.
7.3 VAS information.
8. Planning applications received to discuss.
8.1 none
9. Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council
9.1 None
10. Planning decisions received
10.1 NYM 2020/0791/FL Application for proposed sculpture with associated all ability access path and road crossing with safety signage at land south of Adderstone Field. Dalby Forest – approved by NYMNP.
10.2 NYM/2020/0586/FL Application for use of land to form a grass runway for use by owner and emergency use together with erection of windsock at South Moor farm Dalby Forest Drive Ebberston. Refused by NYMNP.
11. Finance
11.1 Finance report November - December 2020 including payments and receipts.
11.2 Current Clerk final salary.
12. Wilton report
12.1 Wilton footpath
13. Allerston Water
13.1 Water consumption
13.2 Electric consumption
13.3 Water discussion document.
14. Allerston Report
14.1 Forest gate/ Blue Man Walk
14.2 Toc Lane parking.
15. Chair/ Councillors reports
16. Clerks Information
16.1 Dates for meetings 2021/2022 proposed
6th May Wilton
1st July Allerston
2nd September Wilton
4th November Allerston
6th/13th January 2022
3rd March 2022
17. To consider new correspondence/information received
17.1 E mail re parking at the top of Allerston Main Street.
17.2 The Butts. (trees)
Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 4th March 2021
Venue to be decided.
Dates of future meetings
See Clerks information.