Next Parish Meeting - Thursday 5th March 2020. Agenda.

The next meeting of Allerston and Wilton Parish council will be on Thursday 5th March at 7.30pm

The Allerston Annual Parish meeting will commence at 7.15pm.

The draft agenda of the Parish Council meeting is below for your reference; all are welcome! Please don't forget there is an open forum at the beginning of the regular Parish meeting to give all residents the opportunity to raise issues of concern or praise.



Website -  E mail -

Agenda for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council at Allerston Village Hall on Thursday 5th March 2020 at 7.30pm.


1.   Welcome to all

2.   To receive apologies for absence

3.   Open forum.

4.   Declaration of Interests

5.   Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 9th January 2020.


6.   To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary

6.1 Website -

6.2 Highways information.

6.3 Skill Mill – Wilton Phone Box.

6.4 VAS information.


7.   Planning applications received to discuss.

7.1 None


8.   Planning applications waiting a decision from Ryedale District Council

8.1 19/00946/FUL Manor Farm, High Street, Wilton. Division of existing dwelling to form 2 dwellings, Conversion of existing garages and barn to form 2 holiday lets and erection of detached outbuilding for storage – changes agreed by PC

8.2 19/01050/FUL 19/01057/GPAGB West View Farm Wilton, Change of use, demolition and conversion of agricultural buildings to form 1 four bedroom dwelling and 1 three bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping – agreed by PC


9.   Planning decisions received

9.1 19/01126/FUL Old station Main street Allerston. change of use, conversion and alteration to eastern part of the station building to form a 2 bedroom self-catering holiday let with parking. – approved by RDC


10.  Finance

10.1       Finance report January/February 2020 including payments and receipts.


11. Wilton report

11.1       Defibrillator including grant application and events.


12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water treatment etc.  further information, power supply company.


13. Allerston Report

13.1       Community speed watch report including 30 mph stickers.

13.2       Forest gate/ Blue Man Walk


14. Clerks Information

14.1       Finance regulations, Standing orders, Code of Conduct.

14.2       YLCA – Referendum Principles for Local Councils.

14.3       Planning training.



15. To consider new correspondence/information received.

15.1       Thank you, letters,

15.2       75th anniversary of VE Day.

15.3       128 Bus Service – request to go through the village.

15.4       YLCA training and conference.

15.5       YLCA Website access for Councillors.


Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th May 2020 at Wilton Village Hall.


Dates of meetings 2020/2021

2nd July Allerston

3rd September Wilton

5th November Allerston

14th January Wilton

4th March Allerston