Notes from Parking Meeting 11th August 2022


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Notes from the meeting discussing the parking issues in Allerston village on Thursday 11th August 2022 at Allerston Village Hall at 7:30pm.


Following on from the informal public meeting held on Saturday 2nd of April 2022 by Cllr. Sanderson and Cllr. Read, a tailored map of Allerston Village has been created by Tim Coyne from Highways with proposed parking limitations.


Each proposed limitation was discussed in full and have been informally agreed on by the residents who attended.

They are as follows (List is in geographical order, beginning at the top of Allerston):

Proposed double yellow lines at the top of the village:
- This was agreed, however they need to be long enough for an HGV to drive into the village safely.


Proposed parking bay with waiting limited to 3 hours, no return within 1 hour:
This was agreed to be removed and, in its place, there should be double yellow lines beginning opposite the entrance of Turgate Farm and ending opposite the entrance of Harwood House.

Proposed single yellow line opposite The Court:
- It was agreed that this would be removed.


Proposed double yellow lines on the corners of the entrance of The Court:
- It was agreed that these would be moved south to the bend in the road at Mill View. These are to extend north and end opposite Mill House.


Proposed double yellow line on the entrance to Toc Lane:
- It was agreed that double yellow lines would not make a difference when pulling out of the junction. Two mirrors are needed. The Clerk is to put this on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting.

Proposed single yellow lines:
- It was stated that these lines were too far south. It was agreed they need to be double yellow lines and be moved further North to start at Farm View and end at Heather Dene.



These agreed proposals will be formally discussed by the Parish Councillors at their next meeting on Thursday 1st September 2022.