Planning Meeting - Grass Runway, South Moor Farm - September 17th 2020. 7.30pm

The Allerston and Wilton Parish Council will hold meeting to discuss a planning application received for a grass runway at South Moor Farm. All are welcome, agenda and joining details are below. There is a public forum where you can air your views so please do attend.


AGENDA for the Virtual planning meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 17th September 2020 at 7.30pm.

Planning application to be discussed

NYM/2020/0586/FL Application for use of land to form grass runway for use by owner and emergency use together with erection of windsock at South Moor Farm, Dalby Forest Drive, Ebberston.

1. Welcome to all present
2. Apologies received
3. Applicant to present case (Limited to 3 minutes)

4. Open Forum regarding items on the agenda 

5. Declaration of lnterest
6. Councillors discussion
7. Councillors vote and decision rationale.

To take part in the meeting
Ring 01482 248888 put in meeting code 2637361#

Any queries please phone the Clerk 07584196625

Lesley Myers Clerk